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Quick Launch - Einträge mehrfach - Error

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michaels erstellt 27 Sept. 2012 10:13
SchlechtSchlechtIn OrdnungIn OrdnungDurchschnittDurchschnittGutGutSehr gutSehr gut

Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe auf einem Web folgenden Fehler:

Die QuickLaunch ist aktiviert auf alles Subwebs. Es sind überall zusätzliche Links eingepflegt. Nun hab ich das Problem bei einigen Webs, dass diese zusätzlichen Links doppelt, bzw. mehrfach in der Navigation auftauchen. Bei einem Web mit sehr vielen links, geht es sogar soweit, dass die Navigation gar nicht mehr geladen werden kann. Es steht nur noch Error in der Quick Launch.

Ich kann von dieser Seite auch die Navigation - Einstellungen nicht laden. Generell kommt es bei der Seite dann zu sehr langen Ladeseiten!

Habt ihr einen Tipp?


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michaels Als Antwort am 27 Sept. 2012 10:18
SchlechtSchlechtIn OrdnungIn OrdnungDurchschnittDurchschnittGutGutSehr gutSehr gut

Folgendes steht im ULS:

Search "040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf" (21 hits in 1 files)
  E:\Logs\ULS\sharepoint -20120927-1010.log (21 hits)
 Line 9073: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.18  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Name=Request (GET:http://sharepoint:80/company/locations/company_germany/_layouts/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx) 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9074: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.20  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Site=/ 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9078: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.26  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 Web Content Management         Publishing Cache               c8hq High     Too many changes found.  Flushing the cache. 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9079: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.26  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 Web Content Management         Publishing Cache               7351 Information The object cache for the site collection 'http://sharepoint ' is being reset. 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9080: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.26  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (CachedObjectFactory: Caching Web at: http://sharepoint/company/locations/company_germany). Execution Time=12.0569804624437 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9081: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.29  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (CachedObjectFactory: Caching Web at: /COMPANY/LOCATIONS). Execution Time=16.994839769235 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9082: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.31  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (CachedObjectFactory: Caching Web at: /COMPANY). Execution Time=17.0279933320907 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9084: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.31  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (CachedObjectFactory: Caching Web at: /). Execution Time=12.3525323459502 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9085: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.31  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (PortalSiteMapDataSource: Determining Starting Node). Execution Time=46.641402573606 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9086: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.33  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 Web Content Management         Publishing                     ck1b Medium   Populating navigation children for web: /COMPANY/LOCATIONS/company_GERMANY 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9087: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.57  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (EnsureListItemsData). Execution Time=11.7096766759429 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9088: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.65  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (CachedArea: Caching SPQuery against against list: Pages, web: /COMPANY/LOCATIONS/company_GERMANY). Execution Time=127.269250191745 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9089: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.65  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (PortalSiteMapNode: Populating navigation children for web: /COMPANY/LOCATIONS/company_GERMANY). Execution Time=327.844666663163 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 9090: 09/27/2012 10:18:06.65  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 Web Content Management         Publishing                     ck1b Medium   Populating navigation children for web: /COMPANY/LOCATIONS/company_GERMANY 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10008: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.89  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Database                       d0d6 High     System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 141) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)     at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)     at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.HasMoreRows()     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ReadInternal(Boolean setTimeout)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSqlClient.ExecuteQueryInternal(Boolean retryfordeadlock)     at Mic... 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10009: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.89* w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Database                       d0d6 High     ...rosoft.SharePoint.SPSqlClient.ExecuteQuery(Boolean retryfordeadlock) 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10010: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.89  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Database                       8z23 Unexpected Unexpected query execution failure in navigation query, HResult -2146232060. Query text (if available): "BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @abort int SET @abort = 0 DECLARE @EidBase int,@EidHome int SET @EidBase = 0 SET @EidHome = NULL IF @abort = 0 BEGIN EXEC @abort = proc_GetWebNavStructNodeByIds '618AB486-470C-41DB-87D0-B7207484C8CE','2EA74D6E-EADB-4640-8009-5449C40D749F',26683 SELECT @wssp0 = @abort END IF @abort <> 0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRAN END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRAN END IF @abort = 0  BEGIN EXEC proc_UpdateDiskUsed '618AB486-470C-41DB-87D0-B7207484C8CE' END " 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10011: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.89  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          General                        8kh7 High     An unexpected error occured while manipulating the navigational structure of this Web. 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10012: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.89  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly High     Leaving Monitored Scope (PortalSiteMapNode: Populating navigation children for web: /COMPANY/LOCATIONS/company_GERMANY#1). Execution Time=58226.3325003164 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10013: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.89  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Runtime                        tkau Unexpected System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: An unexpected error occured while manipulating the navigational structure of this Web.    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.UpdateNavigationNode(String bstrUrl, Int32 lNodeId, DateTime dateParented, String bstrName, String bstrNodeUrl, Object& pvarProperties, String& pbstrDateModified)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.UpdateNavigationNode(String bstrUrl, Int32 lNodeId, DateTime dateParented, String bstrName, String bstrNodeUrl, Object& pvarProperties, String& pbstrDateModified) 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf
 Line 10019: 09/27/2012 10:19:04.91  w3wp.exe (0x2B50)                        0x3404 SharePoint Foundation          Monitoring                     b4ly Medium   Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://sharepoint:80/company/locations/company_germany/_layouts/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx)). Execution Time=58716.1218094244 040464b5-d603-4bcd-ac09-f243d8ccbfcf

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BOSSMCA Als Antwort am 19 Nov. 2012 12:29
SchlechtSchlechtIn OrdnungIn OrdnungDurchschnittDurchschnittGutGutSehr gutSehr gut


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michaels Als Antwort am 8 Jan. 2013 08:19
SchlechtSchlechtIn OrdnungIn OrdnungDurchschnittDurchschnittGutGutSehr gutSehr gut


hab leider keine Lösung gefunden.
